If you do not already have a user.cfg file, create a new text file in your (install drive)\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE directory.If you already have a user.cfg file, add the following line and save the file: r_gpuMarkers = 3.Close Star Citizen and the RSI Launcher entirely.If your GPU crash log doesn't have enough information, you can do the following: Open log.log and scroll to the end for the latest.Type the following and click OK: %appdata%\rsilauncher.If a GPU crash is caught, you should also see a gpu_error.log.If you find lines, you can look them over for some info. Open game.log and search for: GPU crash.Type the following and click OK: %localappdata%\Star Citizen.Press the Windows key + R to bring up a Run dialog.log.log - Collects info on actions and crashes through the Launcher.gpu_error.log - If the video/graphic card crashes, the specific action is logged here.game.log - Collects info on what happens when you load the game and stops saving when the game crashes.

If you have a crash handler display, you can open the following files to get an idea of what is happening: Disable Fullscreen Optimization on game."DXGI device blocked" or "your graphics card has blocked StarCitizen.exe".Check for larger resolutions, x1440, Nvidia and AMD.Update and verify graphic drivers in Windows.GPU status: Timeout - long running shader or operation.Black screen crashes, sometimes with music playing.This guide walks through the most common issues and how to solve them.Ĭrashes including black screen, hear music see nothing, flickering screen, etc can be solved by one or more of these! Many issues with GPU/video/graphic cards and drivers can cause multiple issues with the launching and playing of Star Citizen.